
Schreiben an EU Kommission 10.01.2013

Janez Potočnik
European Commissioner for the Environment
European Commission B-1049 Brussels, Belgium
Fax: 0032 (0)2 298 82 88 Email:;

Environment Directorate-General European Commission B-1049 Brussels
Marktredwitz, 10-01-2013
Subject: EIA Terea Cheb s.r.o. – Transboundary EIA for a plant for the incineration of waste

Dear Janez Potočnik,
dear Ion Codescu,

If you are not the right persons for this complaint, please forward this letter to the relevant body.
Today I read in newspaper “Frankenpost” there are plans to build a “large” plant for the incineration of waste in the nearby city of Cheb in our neighbor country Czech Republic. We, Landkreis Wunsiedel and the city of Cheb are direct neighbors. This plant will be finished this year, in 2013. There will be no emissions to the Environment what is completely nonsense to everybody who knows what such a plant does and does not. It should be financed with high EU Funds. Some attachments below.
I do ask urgently for a transboundary EIA. I guess, I do this under the same paras as EIA Temelin, under Aarhus 3(9), Espoo 2(6), EIA Directive 85/337/EC, art. 7(5).
1.)The Bavarian Fichtelgebirge is shaped like a horseshoe, opened to the East. In winter, by atmospheric inversion, the poisoned air remains long under the clouds. Therefore the Landkreise Hof, Wunsiedel, Bayreuth in Germany are under no doubt the under Espoo 2(6) described “possible affected areas”. This area may even be bigger as described in the book “Gift über das Land” or by other books of experts. Mercury cannot be hold back in no filter at all. Along the rivers Koesseine, Roeslau, Eger/Ohre to Skalka Lake - from the German city of Marktredwitz to the Czech city of Cheb - are a lot of tons of mercury in the ground. The polluter was the German plant Chemische Fabrik Marktredwitz (CFM). This mercury cannot be taken out of the ground anymore. In Skalka Lake, near the Czech city of Cheb there are 4 to 5 tons of mercury in the sediment, they may be dragged out. A big rest will remain. Attached a Czech study how high the pollution is in fish.
I was Umweltreferentin of the city of Marktredwitz, responsible for Environmental and Safety, during the time we tried to get as much mercury as possible out of the earth in this contamination case. A lot of persons in the region do have attested high mercury contamination in their bodies. There are studies about.
2.)We all try to reduce waste as much as possible. This plant is “large” because it uses waste without reducing and recycling before. That is what Arnika is reclaiming. The EU has straight aims to protect the Environment. To finance a plant to burn recyclables with EU tax money, without asking Czech Republic to start recycling before is not right.
I would like to discuss all my knowledge in a transboundary EIA. Would you please look after that all legal requirements will be fulfilled for? And if not, start an infringement procedure against Czech Republic?

Thank you very much.

Kind regards,
Brigitte Artmann
KV Wunsiedel
Am Frauenholz 22
95615 Marktredwitz;art2448,2279334

Eger will seinen Müll verbrennen

Eger - Die zu der Hälfte der Stadt Cheb (Eger) gehörende Gesellschaft Terea will eine große Müllverbrennungsanlage bauen. Sie soll nicht nur die 32 Tonnen Müll verbrennen, die jedes Jahr im Egerer Raum anfallen, sondern auch Wärme erzeugen.

Pavel Jetleb
Eger - Steffen Zagermann, Geschäftsführer von Terea, rechnet mit Baubeginn zum Jahresende, falls die nötigen Genehmigungen erteilt werden. Die Stadtverwaltung mit Bürgermeister Dr. Pavel Vanousek, einem Chemiker, sieht keine Gefahr für die Umwelt. Heftigen Widerstand hat bereits der Naturschutzverein "Arnika" erhoben. Deren Sprecher Matej Man vertritt den Standpunkt, der Müll sollte besser recycelt und nicht verbrannt werden.
Nach seinen Berechnungen kommt das Vorhaben auf umgerechnet sieben Millionen Euro. Die Stadt Eger rechnet mit hohen Zuschüssen der EU.
*** Beteiligungen
... CZK Geschäftsführer: Václav Jakubík, Steffen Zagermann Bezirksgericht Pilsen: HRB C6622 ... TEREA Cheb s.r.o. (TEREA), Cheb, Tschechische Republik ... [PDF]
Trafo 26 S. 1-52 neu - Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt - Diese Seite übersetzen
Dateiformat: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - HTML-Version Raymond Hernandez, Steffen Thomas Zagermann. Modernising Municipal Water and Wastewater Treatment through Public Private. Partnership in Cheb, Czech ...
Alle Produkte und Dienstleistungen dieses Unternehmens
 Stahl und Metalle - Formen und Stanzen
 Straßentransporte
 Spediteure, international
Hauptsitz :
TEREA CHEB S.R.O. Májová 33 350 02 Cheb TSCHECHISCHE REP. Tel.: +420 354 52 44 11


Termine !!!!

29.05.2024 19:00 Uhr Marktredwitz Hotel Meister Bär Bahnhofsstraße 10

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